J: Well yes, absolutely. The Internet has made a great impact on how news is produced. In the past, it was the newspaper editor who decided what was news and covered it, but now anyone can. With the camera in our smartphones, we can make a recordin...
94. 《周末》(Weekend,1967) 导演:让-吕克·戈达尔 在这部充满讽刺性的黑色喜剧中,一对布尔乔亚夫妇为继承遗产而在周末时驱车上路,展开了一段意外之旅。 93.《世界》(The World,2004) 导演:贾樟柯 影片通过北京世界公园里的一群年轻人,探讨了全球化对于中国工人的影响...
“come in” 以前上英语课的时候迟到了就会站在教室门口说“may I come in?”而老师通常回答“come in”,后来接触了 native speaker 才发现他们通常是说“come on in ! ” “I figure”...